My husband gropes me constantly Pat would often come up behind Bev whilst she was working in the kitchen and give her a big hug from behind and reach around and squeeze her boobs. Bev thought she was meant to enjoy this affection from Pat, but actually she was irritated by it. Especially when she was in the middle of preparing dinner and her mind was a long way from sexual activity. She never said anything to Pat, as she didn’t want to offend him or deter him from displaying his affection. She just didn’t like it at the particular time. She didn’t know how to handle these situations. She also didn’t understand why she didn’t like him doing this.Bev would think … [Read more...]
He always lets me down
My husband always lets me down but am I also letting myself down Consider this scenario:Linda often felt let down by her husband Trevor. She would ask him to do something that meant a lot to her, and he would agree at the time. But then he never followed through. The more it happened, the more she felt let down and the more resentful she became. Linda was aware that her Love Language was Acts of Service and Time. She felt loved when Trevor did things for her when she asked.(Don’t know what Love Languages refers to? Find out below)Trevor getting home after work when he said he would, to have dinner with the family, meant to Linda that he loved her and considered … [Read more...]
Why Is He Emotionally Unavailable?
What women do when they’re emotionally neglected What are women looking for in their man? They want a soul mate, someone they trust who is there for them when they have a problem, who takes their feelings into account when decisions are being made. Someone to whom they feel emotionally connected. What does being “emotionally unavailable” mean?Being emotionally available is not that easy for many men, who mostly desperately want to connect with spouses, friends, and family in a meaningful way.However, often men have no model of what that looks like, what language to use, and how to do it.In America, statistics reveal that women file for divorce twice as often as … [Read more...]
How Do I Stop Being Insecure and Jealous
I need to stop being insecure and jealous because it’s damaging my relationship with my husband Case Study Ted and Gina came for counseling as Ted was fed up with Gina’s insecurities regarding him being with other women. He had set Gina an ultimatum – get counseling or get out. He had had enough of her insecurities, jealousy, suspicions and accusations, her questioning and double-checking. He felt that he scarcely had a life of his own any more, as Gina was always asking him where he had been, who he had been with and what he had talked about.To him, all Gina’s questions of jealousy seemed crazy – and Gina admitted in the counseling session that her suspicions … [Read more...]
Is It Infatuation or Love?
Consider what it is that YOU are experiencing in your relationship – Is it infatuation (limerence) or love? 1. How long have you been with your partner? Infatuation (limerence) lasts just long enough for a couple to get together, for the woman to be impregnated and a baby to be born.Then, theoretically, leaving the female to raise the offspring, the man can be off again to find another mate, and, by doing what comes naturally, ensure diversity of the species. Infatuation, Limerence or Lust is the human version of the mating instinct. 2. Is yours a “secret” relationship? Extramarital affairs are real hotbeds of limerence. Although the intense … [Read more...]
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