Your Miserable Marriage Fixed Better Than New… FAST!
If you're ready to book your Gold Coast Marriage Intensive With Karen Gosling :
With 3-Months Ongoing Support
Karen's Gold Coast Getaway

In my Marriage Intensive Gold Coast Getaway I take great joy in continuously rewarding my valued clients with my exciting new marriage growth concept that unlocks the secrets to a flourishing marriage.
My superpower is being able to listen to my clients’ issues, quickly identify the root cause of their problems, and provide strategies without judgement that help couples reconnect and build a system for a flourishing marriage. I teach effective communication skills so couples can resolve resentments and increase intimacy. Not only will this help your marriage but it will help you HEAR people in general.
By spending the weekend with me you’ll see how self-awareness is the beginning of wisdom. You’ll see how fantastic it is to learn things that generally men don’t like to talk about and how much women thrive by being reconnected emotionally. By sharing with you tools learned from my own marriage and my exceptional skill at helping partners build a flourishing marriage, I’ll work with you as a couple to help you replenish and restore your marriage to what you want it to be. I’ll use all my knowledge and experience of over 35 years as a counsellor in this personal one-on-one intensive to help you fix your failing marriage. I’ll show you and your spouse/partner how to get rid of old hurts, crappy communication, and not feeling loved because you both want to feel desired, taken care of, and special again.
Let's Get You Started With These Next Steps
CLICK STEP 1 below to make your AUD $9,997 investment for your 2-night 2-3 day Marriage Intensive With Karen Gosling on the beautiful Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia plus ongoing Zoom sessions.
CLICK the ICON above and select the first day of your Intensive by clicking on 'BOOK' to the right of Initial Consultation (NOTE: Marriage Intensives usually run from Friday to Saturday nights).
When your payment comes in, I will notify you, confirm your hotel reservation and Marriage Intensive dates, and admit you and your partner to my Online Counselling Resources Marriagology website.
Marriage Intensive is great for couples who need help NOW for their marriage and can’t wait for a series of weekly sessions. This might be because of a relationship injury, or an accumulation of frustration and resentment that has built up so much that you are now considering separation or divorce.
It also works well for couples who want to get away for a few days, without children, and combine some special time alone with an intensive experience of counselling, one-on-one with the counsellor together and/or individually, to reestablish a connection and intimacy that has been lost for a while.
Over the 2-3 consecutive days there will be time with the counsellor (3 or 4 two-hour blocks, you get to choose) with a focus on identifying old hurts and learning more effective communication so the resentments can be resolved, once and for all. This leaves you not just feeling immediately more connected, it brings about a confidence that you leave the Intensive with the skills to manage conflict and relationship drama in the future.
Karen says,
Marriages do not end because of events, they end because of your feelings about those events, and whether you can express them and be understood, supported and not judged for having them.
You will learn about emotions, what they are and why they impact us. You will learn about the emotional brain and rules of relationships that no one ever taught you. And you will learn how men and women think differently and communicate differently – so you no longer have to be frustrated at being misunderstood.
You will have time to talk in depth about the struggles and challenges of your relationship with the support of the counsellor, who can encourage each partner to explore their feelings. Often people cannot talk about their feelings because they don’t know the words to describe them. And we’ll explore behavioural issues impacting your marriage.
In between the intensive sessions there is time for you both to rest, relax and reflect on the process, and prepare for the next session. And we shall have meals together, including a “surprise” dinner on Saturday evening, and share our everyday experiences and strengthen emotional connections as we get to know each other better.
The Intensive is great for your relationship because you spend the time with the person you love but are usually too busy with life, work and children to give much attention to.
Your Gold Coast Escape includes fly-in or drive (your cost) for all inclusive 2-nights luxurious accommodation with breakfast and dinner for 2 at The Star Gold Coast – the perfect way to treat you and your spouse or partner to the ultimate break to fix your failing marriage and regain connection and intimacy.
You can stop avoiding the difficult issues that are causing you unhappiness and learn graciously to hear your partners perspective on things. As counsellor, I will facilitate the difficult discussions, so you can experience the benefit of “getting things off your chest” in a safe environment, and not just end up in an argument.
And there’s more. After the 2-3 Day Intensive, over the next 3-months you have up to 4 x 2-hour follow up sessions with me either via Zoom or face to face, depending on your preference or location. So you are not left alone. You have personal access to me for ongoing one-on-one support and fine-tuning of the relationship skills you have learned and will use for life. AND you both have access to my extensive online practice resources at for in-depth follow-up and review of strategies and tools learned in your Marriage Intensive counselling sessions.
Close your eyes for a moment and imagine where you could be three months from now. Picture yourself confidently reconnected again with your wife or husband and not only that, but what you have also learnt from listening to each other to bring a better home life for everyone. Once you do this there will be a sense of calm seeing a new chapter beginning and knowing you’re making a real impact in your lives.
That future is within your reach, and it starts with a single decision today. I know there might be a voice in your head listing all the reasons why you’re not ready. But let me ask you this: if not now, when? Your marriage needs what only I can teach to transform your lives. Don’t let fear hold you back. I’ll be with you every step of the way, encouraging you and providing the support you need to enjoy a passionate flourishing marriage.
I look forward to being your marriage guide in your Gold Coast Australia Marriage Intensive.

Frequently Asked Questions
Marriage Intensive is marriage counselling at its best with world renowned expert in making marriages flourish and ADHD/ASD Specialist Coach Karen Gosling. For 2-3 days you will get together on the Gold Coast with Karen as your personal counsellor to assist you to restore intimacy and get your relationship back on track. You also get ongoing access to Karen via Zoom or face-to-face sessions over the following 3-months.
The Marriage Intensive will usually run from a Friday afternoon/evening to Saturday evening (with a Sunday morning session if required). You also get ongoing access to Karen via Zoom or face-to-face sessions over the following 3-months.
5 Star hotel suite accommodation for Friday & Saturday night with daily breakfast and Saturday lunch and “surprise” Saturday night dinner as Karen’s guests.
Chauffeur Service to and from Brisbane or Coolangatta Airports to your hotel.
Yes, I will provide fact sheets and articles in follow up emails. Both partners get access to Karen’s extensive online resources, including videos, at (for the lifetime of the website).
All clients are required to complete and sign my online registration forms on booking a Marriage Intensive with me and payment of the Marriage Intensive fee. My husband Mike will email you the online link to secure DocuSign Digital Signatures.
All clients are responsible for their own international or interstate air fares or other travel costs to and from the Gold Coast.
- STEP 1: Click the ENROLL TODAY! button below.
- STEP 2: On the next page Click “ADD TO CART” to complete the Marriage Intensive Booking Form.
- STEP 3: Complete the Marriage Intensive Booking Form. Add your First Name, Last Name, Phone number, and Email.
- STEP 4: Click “CONTINUE TO PAYMENT” to pay the Marriage Intensive fee of AUD$9,997. (NOTE: When you complete the Payment Process, your credit/debit card data will be transferred securely with TLS encryption to Stripe, our ecommerce provider. Your data is not retained by Gosling International.)
- STEP 5: On receipt of your payment we will email you with instructions on how to book your initial 1-hour call with Karen to finalise details for your Marriage Intensive.
- STEP 6: We will also email you the link to secure DocuSign esignatures to complete our online Professional Counselling Agreement registration forms before your intensive begins.