Overcoming unmet expectations when he is inconsiderate about the impact of his actions or words For the third time, Nigel asked Meg if she could collect his paintings from the local picture framers that he had taken in to be framed the month before. As Nigel worked in the city, he was unable to collect them himself during the week, when the framing store was open. Meg agreed, and fully intended to do so. Yet every time he enquired, Meg said she had not done it yet.There was always a reason why not. Nigel got more and more frustrated and refused to make the time to collect them himself.He had asked Meg and now wanted to see how long it took her to get around to … [Read more...]
How To Rekindle A Relationship
Relationships break down and you might be wondering how to rekindle a relationship. There are things you can do that will bring back the spark in your relationship. In this article I'll delve into how you can fix your relationship. It's what you do before or after your relationship breaks down - it's what you do about what happens to you - that can bring back the spark! In this short article I'll delve into how to rekindle a relationship... Congratulations for recognizing your situation. This is an easy thing to deal with. We know how it starts We know how it progresses We know what happens in your emotional brain We can help you if you're prepared to be dedicated to the process … [Read more...]
What Is Passion?
What is passion in a relationship? Without passion, you might have a relationship high in conversational intimacy and commitment but low on sexual intimacy. This typically characterizes friendships rather than romantic couples. A common statement in a dying relationship is that our relationship doesn't have the passion it used to. At times this could be true, but at other times the word passion is used to encapsulate other problems in the relationship. The next time a loss of passion comes to mind ask yourself if there something else that’s going on. Read below to learn what is passion and how to add more passion to your relationship. What is passion really? In younger … [Read more...]
Resolving An Issue
How to go about resolving an issue or resentment in relationships Resolving an issue that harbors resentments is the subject of this article, not clinging to them and leaving the fires burning! Resentment is a strong negative emotion that you experience when you remember or recall an incident from the past that caused an emotional pain at the time, which has never been resolved. Upon recalling the event, the body generates an emotion that can be described as anger or a feeling of being deeply upset. This emotion is a stress response and is alleviated when resolving an issue. Some people recall an event so vividly that it is almost as though the event is reoccurring. … [Read more...]
Reactive Emotional Style
Relationships can often be confused because intimate partners don't know how to deal with a reactive emotional style What someone with a reactive emotional style needs to be aware of is the impact of their behavior on others Mike says..."I learned at great personal cost, with the loss of my former wife and twin daughters over 30 years ago, that loud tones, aggression, irritation, and anger - the reactive emotional style - had to go.I have always been a leader, full of ideas and the energy, persistence, and dedication to carry them out. I used to not take fools lightly and felt quickly frustrated, irritated, and angry when things did not go my way. I could explode like a … [Read more...]