Making the decision … Should I stay or should I go? Making the decision to leave a relationship is a very daunting process, and is the one that fills us with a great deal of anxiety. This is because the choice of free will brings with it enormous responsibility. We realize that our choice will affect our partner, our families, our children and our friends – it is a responsibility we must live with all our lives. The process of choosing to stay or to leave often begins in “the gut”.Somehow your body knows, often months or even years before you think seriously about taking any action, that this relationship is not the right environment for you.It is important to … [Read more...]
The Sexless Marriage You Didn’t Want
Remember when he was interested in your body – and now you have a sexless marriage? When you first got together, and were madly in love, sex was easy, right, and a priority? Even little disappointments (and little kids) didn’t get in the way! It was as if you were obsessed with this man, and would think about making love as often as he did. Well, almost!So how did you get to this place you find yourselves at now, perhaps going months without sex?How is it that in the beginning, you complained because he was only ever interested in your body – and now you complain because he is never interested in your body?This situation can leave you feeling unloved, anxious, suspicious, and even damage … [Read more...]
When Is It Time To Break Up?
Why is it so hard to break up with someone you love? How many times have you said to yourself (in your head or out loud) – “I just can’t do this anymore”?And how many times have you imagined what it would be like to be free of the stress of this relationship, of feeling frustrated and let down and low priority and lonely?How many times have you fantasised being with someone else – someone who adored you, and treated you with kindness and respect ALL THE TIME?And then you snap back to reality and say to yourself, “This is the real world, stop being a Dreamer.” Or, “Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t.” So you stay. And the wondering continues!How do … [Read more...]
Inconsiderate and Ignored
How to deal with my inconsiderate partner when he ignores me? Why doesn’t he care about my feelings?How often have you yelled it in arguments, or complained to your girlfriends, that he makes you feel such a low priority?He is so inconsiderate of your feelings… and it’s not just the things he says, it’s the things he does, or doesn’t do, that leaves you feeling like the bottom of the list, time and time again.It feels just SO disrespectful, yet he doesn’t seem to care. And he never apologizes. You have to wait until the time is right to talk to him about how you feel and he just usually pleads ignorance, and tells you he never meant to hurt you. Or that you’re … [Read more...]
Our Marriage is Falling Apart
My wife wants to leave me as our marriage is falling apart When your wife tells you she wants to separate, she will not have made the decision overnight. Yes, you will be shocked and distressed. However, telling you she wants the marriage to end will also be causing her a considerable amount of distress.A woman’s identity is formed around the success of her relationship with her man. Therefore she does not make her decision lightly. In the USA, more women file for divorce on the grounds of emotional neglect than of physical abuse.A woman who says she wants to separate is feeling emotionally neglected (at worst) or taken for granted (at best). For probably many … [Read more...]
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