Marriage In Crisis?
A flourishing marriage =
from unresolved hurts, crappy communication,
not feeling loved by your partner,
and ADHD/ASD impacting your relationship.
You’re in the right place… Marriage Counselling Gold Coast. I’m Karen. I have been called the World-Renowed Expert in Making Marriages Flourish. Here’s why…
I’ve developed an exciting new marriage growth concept that unlocks the secrets to a flourishing marriage. Survive and thrive with professional counsellor Karen Gosling with 28+ years of experience in marriage counselling.
Why me? Because I’ll use all my knowledge and experience to help you fix your failing marriage. I’ll show you and your partner how to get rid of old hurts, crappy communication, and not feeling loved because you both want to feel desired, taken care of, and special again.
Fix Your Marriage In Crisis

51+ Recorded Success Stories. [Read and listen]
let's get you a flourishing marriage!
Working out how to put a marriage together from scratch can take months of trial and error and hours of Googling. But with my help in Marriage Counselling Gold Coast, you’ll get all the information you need in one neat little package.
I’ve packed all the learning from my thousands of hours of professional counselling experience into my Flourishing Marriage sessions so you don’t have to go through this quagmire alone, Googling, or spend months making mistakes you can avoid before you split.
So, who the heck am I and why should you trust me to teach you about how to have a happy passionate and flourishing marriage?
Excellent question!

Hey there… I’m Karen Gosling. I help couples build flourishing marriages!
I have been a Marriage Counsellor and ADHD/ASD Specialist Coach in my own practice since 1997 in Singapore and Marriage Counselling Gold Coast, Australia working with clients worldwide face-to-face and connecting with people via Zoom to drive positive impact for couples and their families.
My counselling or coaching style is liked by everybody. Zoom sessions can be recorded if requested.
As a flourishing marriage expert counsellor and ADHD/ASD specialist coach over the last 28 years, I’ve served 3,812+ clients (including 1,339 couples) worldwide based in Singapore and Australia.
My new clients come from existing happy clients’ word-of-mouth recommendations, referrals by psychiatrists, general practitioners, allied health professionals, this website, my Facebook page, and my ADHD Relationships web site.
Watch my FREE training on 3 Secrets To A Happy Passionate Marriage. Get Your Free Bonus!
My purpose is to touch people’s lives when they’re needing some emotional support and compassion.
My passion is to give you the clarity, courage, and tools you need to fix a broken marriage and start living with focus.
My superpower is being able to listen to my clients’ issues, quickly identify the root cause of their problems, and provide strategies without judgement that support couples to reconnect (and build a system for a flourishing marriage).
I have spent 30+ years systemising and developing my Flourishing Marriage Counselling Blueprint together with my husband and executive coach, Dr Mike Gosling, all while working with clients one-on-one and with members in my extensive Marriagology Membership members-only website.
And spending over $125,000 on my BA (Social Work) and Master of Public Health educational qualifications, books, and seminars, workshops, online courses, specialty ADHD and post graduate training over this period of time, just to solve this specific problem — how to fix a failing marriage.
I am co-founder of Gosling International, my coaching and counselling organisation, where I teach a very simple but unique system to take your marriage to a whole new level, and stop exchanging your time for arguments, bringing up things from the past, and saying “sayonara” to physical intimacy.
I am the author of four influential books about how to fix your failing marriage and relationship advice: Surviving Life Dramas, How To Handle Difficult Behavior, EmotionMatters-How To Reduce Stress And Achieve Wellness, and Emotional Leadership. Using emotionally intelligent behaviour to enjoy a life of EASE with my husband Mike.
My blueprint goes against many things you’ve been taught in “old school” models.
If you search for my name in Google, you’ll find many entries for my work:
- World renowned expert in making marriages flourish
- ADHD/ASD Specialist Coach
- Author of four influential books on fixing troubled relationships
- Experienced professional mental health social worker
- Qualified BA (Social Work) and Master of Public Health (MPH) degrees
- Member Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW)
- Educator for cognitive behaviour therapy, ADHD and ASD
- Creator of three seminar series: Surviving Life Dramas, How To Handle Difficult Behavior, and Adult ADD Healing.

Has the sizzle in your marriage gone and you want it back?
Is your marriage completely falling apart and you’re on the brink of divorce?
Take the SIZZLE Test… Your score out of 6 is…
⦿ The pizzazz and excitement has gone from your marriage – and separation or divorce looming (it’s easy to feel stuck & unsure about your next step).
⦿ Are you feeling emotionally wounded and waiting for an apology from your partner, not talking, in case he or she gets mad at you again?
⦿ You crave acknowledgement of your feelings but feel totally unloved when you’re told to “get over it” (because your partner doesn’t want to hear your complaints).
⦿ You’re passionate about wanting your marriage and family to flourish and thrive, but you only see a marriage full of hurts (and time on your own spent recovering from painful impulsive remarks possibly splitting up).
⦿ You’re trading time for arguments, hurts, and an irritable spouse!
⦿ There is just one problem: You feel too embarrassed to get divorced.
So, if you’ve passed the Sizzle Test (i.e., you scored 1-6), you’re definitely looking for someone who knows what they’re talking about when it comes to best-practice marriage counselling via face-to-face or Zoom sessions with online practice resources (and you do need to fix your miserable marriage).
Congratulations! – You’ve come to the right place!
And I’m on a mission to end your marriage crisis and get you a flourishing marriage.
If the sizzle in your marriage is gone and you want it back, or if your marriage is completely falling apart and you’re on the brink of divorce or splitting, I give you the secret source of a happy passionate marriage so that you can use it to create personal growth, more deep conversations, and a passionate connection starting tonight.
Feel again the qualities of vitality, curiosity, and spontaneity that makes your marriage feel alive.
A flourishing marriage is about sharing, listening, risk, laughter, and discovery.
Marriage Counselling Gold Coast Means…
No more being a low priority…
No more arguments…
No more bringing up stuff from the past.
Just feeling loved constantly because of…
Effective Communication and Achieving Intimacy.
So, where should we begin?
We begin with a 2-hour initial appointment with me, either face-to-face in my rooms at Labrador, Gold Coast, or via a Zoom meeting, for the one-time cost of $497 for two – for you and your partner.
Here's what you and your partner get from your initial 2-hour marriage coaching session with me:
- First of all, you’ll get things off your chest and be heard – That in itself is a huge “stress buster”
- Learn techniques to get respect, reconnect and REV UP your love life that you can use immediately
- You’ll find out what your emotional style is (and how it impacts on others)
- I work with individuals, couples, and family groups – experiencing unresolved hurts, communication issues, and ADHD/ASD
- Especially relevant – How to reconnect with your partner, feel more loved, and end emotional pain (you can fix this!)
- Discover your emotional brain – Gain clarity about the negative emotions you feel (possibly affecting your behaviour)
- Understand why you feel what you feel – and how to start changing those feelings
- Learn how your negative emotions affect your physical health (impairing your immune system and affecting your mood)
- I share with you the secret to being in control of your emotions (instantly restore peace and calm in your life and relationship)
- Talk things through with me in confidence (so you can decide what you want to do with your issue)
- You leave with the hope and belief that you can do this – You can fix your relationship because you’ve already begun!
Best part is it’s simple, and you can say goodbye to your marriage troubles forever… even if right now you think that’s impossible.
Imagine having world-renowned expert in making marriages flourish and specialist ADHD/ASD coach Karen Gosling help make your marriage last and thrive at Marriage Counselling Gold Coast — focusing on the future instead of the past.

Highest Success Rate For Couples Counselling
Since 1997 I have helped more than 3,812+ clients worldwide who believe making their marriage last and thrive is important… Because It is.
I Have:
• More than 1,339 Happy Passionate Couples Worldwide
• 30+ Years of Success Helping Couples Repair Failing Marriages, Restore Effective Communication, Relive Physical & Emotional Intimacy, and Stop Divorce.
• 24×7 Support for Marriagology Members through my Members website, weekly Zoom meetings, and Marriagology Circle – for two!
I will fast-track your path to a flourishing marriage and help you put together a happy passionate relationship, even if you don’t think this is possible right now. And you can’t compare this to any marriage counseling you’ve had in the past or any self-help courses you might have done, because they haven’t explained: the right mindset, the right science, the right psychology, the right connection, and the right communication – the five fundamental elements to managing your emotions and managing each other.
So what are you waiting for?
When you love the marriage you have, you have everything you need!
Karen’s Marriagology all access online flourishing marriage program (included when you buy any counselling plan) saves you so much time and energy. Her brain is a marriage powerhouse!
The videos and audios she creates, the weekly group Zoom meetings, the tips in her emails, the ideas and strategies you get in her Marriage Growth Guides and Marriagology Circle, are comparable to high level programs but at minimal cost to you.
Best of all though, Karen shows you HOW to take action on all these things seamlessly. Before your brain can even say, “that’s cool but I don’t know how I would…” She’s already given you the steps and examples of how to do it. You can’t NOT take action following her advice and help, your marriage will be flourishing.
Is the following situation something that you can relate to?
Kelly felt hurt when Jim put her down in front of friends at dinner the other night. Jim made a comment that was meant to pass as a joke but underneath was intended to be hurtful. Jim had started doing this a few years after they were married. This was the last straw – she’d had enough of his bickering and put-downs and decided to seek couples counselling to stop the bickering and fix their relationship.

None of us enter into a relationship thinking it will end. In the beginning, when we’re first in love, we experience a sense of aliveness and vitality believing it will be solid enough to last forever and through any crisis.
But bad things do happen to good people. Sometimes hurt feelings and emotional pain or anguish does happen.
Ongoing hurts and put downs can destroy your relationship. It can even leave you feeling allergic to your partner.
And if you ignore the hurts as a way of keeping the peace, then you will produce precisely the opposite effect of what you seek: to be loved and to feel good about yourself.
Instead, you end up spending much of your time feeling lousy, unloved, devalued, and inadequate.
So just what has gone wrong to cause bickering and resentments to build up in your relationship to this point where you’re now on the brink of separation or divorce?
If you’ve spent much of your time feeling ignored, a low priority, frustrated, irritated, and inept, you are on the wrong side of the tracks. The emotional and financial cost of divorce will be considerably more than your investment in marriage counselling.
It’s time for a reboot! Marriage Matters.
I can help you with marriage building strategies to get your relationship back on track either through face-to-face marriage counselling here on the Gold Coast or online through Zoom meetings. Book your appointment today.
Reconnecting couples, opening possibilities
Marriage Counselling Gold Coast
Easy online booking system
As a couple were leaving after a 90 minute marriage therapy consultation . . .
Karen: You can book the next appointment online, of course, you know – you’ve done it before.
Client: Yes, it’s so easy. I can do it at midnight. It’s the best thing ever. If I had to call you in daylight hours, I wouldn’t have an appointment. I’d be too busy. I would mean to ring you and then Ugh, I wouldn’t get it done.
Many clients have also commented that my online booking system is so easy to use, and great to see the times that I have available, then they check their own calendars and can book immediately.
Fix Your Marriage In Crisis
Book Your Session at Marriage Counselling Gold Coast

Over more than 28 years as a Marriage Counsellor in over 1,339 broken marriages, I’ve discovered there are 3 things that contribute to the breakdown of a marriage:
1. Unresolved hurt feelings
What I call low intensity ongoing warfare that leads to resentments – strong negative emotions that you experience when you remember an incident from the past that really hurt, that has never been resolved. As resentments build inside us, our desire for love from the one causing the hurts falls away. Read more about unresolved hurt feelings…
2. Poor communication in your relationship
A failure to listen long enough, or with sufficient understanding of your partner’s feelings, to really understand the issue and accept as true what your partner tells you about his or her feelings, rather than simply denying their feelings. Women want men to listen and negotiate bringing closeness and collaboration. But men cannot JUST listen for more than 10 – 15 minutes, before tuning out. Men don’t always realize that their wives are expecting an answer, particularly if she keeps on talking. Read more about poor communication in relationships…
3. Not speaking your partner’s “love language”
We all have a basic need for love, affection, and esteem. More often than not we don’t know the different ways in which our partner wants to have his or her need for love met. So because your partner is not receiving good feelings from you, he or she will start to move away. One way to get your partner back on track is to speak his or her love language. Read more about identifying your partners primary love language…
But first, what have YOU tried to do already to reset this negative pattern?
If you want to stop the bickering, end unresolved hurt feelings, improve poor communication, and regain emotional and sexual intimacy in your marriage, here are my 5 top tips…

Get clarity about the negative emotions you feel and understand why you feel what you feel (and how you can start to change those feelings).

Regain control over your emotions to instantly restore peace and calm in your life and relationship. Get more sleep – People who are sleep deprived tend to experience more negative emotions.

FINALLY put an end to lowered self-esteem, being fearful, angry or anxious around your partner. (It’s time to be emotionally free again!)

SILENCE your inner voice – make decisions to improve the way you feel. (Time to tell your inner voice to take a walk!)

Learn quickly how to reconnect with your partner, feel more loved, and end YOUR emotional pain through resolving resentments, knowing his or her love language, and developing effective communication techniques. (You CAN fix this!)
The secret to happiness is health... The secret to a happy marriage is emotional health.
If you want professional one-to-one marriage counselling face-to-face or by Zoom to help you fix your failing marriage, I can help . . .

I help put you in charge of your life so that upsetting events can be resolved. When you heal emotionally, your body doesn’t always feel those strong emotions.
Over the last 28+ years I have counselled more than 3,812 people (including 1,339 couples) from 98 nationalities worldwide. I have seen the changes of what works and what doesn’t.
I have learnt the best way to fix unresolved hurt feelings and poor communication to reconnect with your soulmate. Call me now +61 413-750-699.
Is Your Marriage In Crisis?
Fed up! Feeling a low priority... Feeling unloved... Feeling under control... Always being told what to do... ARE YOU ready to start work on resolving resentments and learn better communication to reconnect through marriage coaching...
I work with married couples and partners to mend disputes and develop strong communication. Join over 1,339 couples who now have a flourishing marriage… You’ll be so glad that you did!
The Flourishing Marriage — What is it?
That too is an excellent question.
My Marriage Counselling Gold Coast practice has built a reputation for excellence, but excellence is not just about the counselling we do together, it’s about the experience we provide and that experience is going to be built on respect, inclusivity, and fairness.
It’s not enough to just try to be fair with clients, we have to actively challenge each partner. We have to create an environment where couples feel respected regardless of a person’s background or anything else.
I am not here to judge either spouse or partner, but change starts with accountability for past actions and behaviours as well as being accountable for the changes to be made in the improved future relationship.
Moving forward, the values I believe in are that every client deserves to be treated with dignity, no exceptions.
Change isn’t always easy, but it’s necessary to enjoy a flourishing marriage, and this practice is going to lead by example.
Mike and I remain accountable to each other for our actions toward each other. We have had to make changes in our relationship over 30+ years. We’ve successfully done this through effective communication, resolving resentments, and meeting each other’s needs for love and respect.
These golden nuggets of information I’m going to share with you have helped us to become soulmates — feeling for ever powerful intimacy in our flourishing marriage.
Accountability to our clients comes first. We’re not just selling counselling hours here. We’re building trust, creating thriving relationships, and representing a standard of excellence. This is our lived experience we are passing on to you.
We are here to support each partner in a marriage or relationship every step of the way. How we treat people matters more than any counselling we sell. We are stable, fair, and kind. We stand for respect for every client no matter who they are.
We believe people can change if they are willing to try… even if right now they don’t think it’s possible.
This is just not about fixing your marriage. It’s about something bigger… a space where people are judged by their character, desire for change, and willingness to change now.
Your 1st step to accountability is the hardest… Asking for help!
If you’ve just had your “Oh, shit!” moment where you’ve just dropped your bundle and recognised your need to change (or you’re about to lose your marriage and you’re kicking yourself for not asking for help earlier), don’t wait any longer…
… Book your initial consultation with me today. You’ll feel so glad knowing that you did the right thing!
Do it now – Click the “Book Now For A Session With Karen Gosling” button below.
All the details on how to book your session in my automated booking system are on the next page.
I’m looking forward to working with you.