Learn How The Five Love Languages Can Help You Win At Your Relationship
What can you do to fill your love tank tonight?
Marriage and family expert Dr. Gary Chapman answers questions on the Five Love Languages. Listen to the video below in which Oprah interviews Dr. Chapman about this topic. Do you know what your partner’s primary and secondary love language is? If not, isn’t it time to find out?

Often the way that you show love for your partner may not be interpreted by your partner as a loving gesture if they don’t “speak the same language”. Usually, the way that you give love is the way the YOU like to receive it.
However, it may not be your partner’s preferred way of being loved. Work out what your primary and secondary love language as you watch the video.
Go and watch Oprah’s Five Love Languages Video: Oprah’s Life Class >>
If your husband says that he doesn’t know what his love language is, my suggestion is to give him a copy of The 5 Love Languages Men’s Edition. Since it is geared specifically to husbands, he is more likely to read it. When he reads it, he will be keen to share his love language with you.
Another way to find out your partner’s ‘love language’ is to ask him how does he most often express love to others? What does he request most often from you? That would be another indicator of his ‘love language’. Then you can reverse the process, so he asks you the same questions.
Knowing your Love Language is one of the most important steps in rebuilding your relationship.
When you’re trying to fix your relationship but you are not meeting your partner’s need for love, you will always end up fighting. It’s time to get some professional help.
You can change this today.
I can help you to:
- Discover your Love Language and what it means and how you can use it to reconnect – begin improving your relationship.
- Learn Dr Chapman’s 5 Love Languages and how you can use them with your children, parents and workmates.
- Find out what you can do to fill your love tank tonight!