PLEASE NOTE: The prepaid counselling plan fees listed below are for Plan Renewals ONLY. To be eligible for these discounted fees, all clients must have first purchased an initial counselling consultation and a regular counselling plan.
All fees for counselling health services by Karen Gosling (Member AASW) are GST-free payable in Australian Dollars.
To pay Prepaid Counselling Plan Renewal Fees, please choose Plan A $1,980.00, Plan B $2,650.00, or Plan C $3,300.00 below and click on the ‘Buy Now‘ button on the right hand side of the webpage. On submitting your order, you will be redirected to my Acuity Scheduling system where you will make your payment via Stripe. Your credit card data will be transferred securely with TLS encryption.
On payment of your counselling plan renewal fee your access to my Online Practice Resources at will continue and your counselling sessions will be recorded in my Acuity Scheduling booking system.