Puts You In Charge Of Your Life When You Feel Overwhelmed And In Total Chaos!
Adult ADD Counseling helps put you in charge of your life and influence on others.
Importantly, Karen Gosling’s counselling also helps your partner understand and manage the impact of both the creative and unhelpful traits and characteristics of Adult ADD in your relationship.
Initially Adult ADD Counseling is about education. Above all it’s teaching you about the traits and characteristics of ADD … and understanding why you feel what you feel. Furthermore, it helps you understand how your behavior impacts on other people around you.
Counselling for Adult ADD may occur over several days, weeks, or months with clients, depending on the issues. Moreover it often will result in an ongoing conversation between the clients or couple and counselor.
Adult ADD Counselling is available face-to-face in my counselling rooms on the Gold Coast and by telephone, Skype and Zoom meetings.
Actually, once you start Adult ADD counselling you will:
- First and foremost increase your self-esteem
- In addition, you will have greater awareness of how you come across to other people
- Be able to take control of things in your life that seem out of control
- By and large, you become more mindful of others
- Learn strategies on how to complete the tasks you always intend to
- Understand how your creative brain differs to other brains
- And much much more!
And here’s the good news – You CAN succeed with Adult ADD Counselling even if you are a COMPLETE beginner!
Often ADD Adults comment that they feel exhilarated after just one session with Karen Gosling in Adult ADD Counseling Gold Coast . This is entirely possible as:
The counsellor validates your feelings and perspectives | |
The counsellor does not judge or criticise you (which is what ADD’s typically receive) | |
Your feelings of internal chaos are given scientific explanation | |
You leave the session believing that things can be better than they are | |
The counsellor believes in you and your dreams | |
You have learnt simple strategies to make life easier | |
You will learn emotional knowledge, understand your emotional style, and develop your emotional intelligence to help you improve emotional well-being | |
Adult ADD Counselling for individuals and family members is available face-to-face in my counselling rooms in Labrador, Gold Coast or by telephone, Skype or Zoom meetings. In any case, it may occur over several days, weeks, or months with clients, depending on the issues, and often will result in an ongoing conversation between the clients and counselor.