Love does make us warm inside. I have written at length on this website about the physiology of emotions – how your body changes according to what you are feeling. We call all negative emotion, stress. Accumulated stress can lead to severe physical effects felt in your body and ultimately depression. In my anger and anxiety scales, which my clients complete, we get you to learn to recognize where in your body you feel the various intensities of your emotions as a first step in identifying the causes of your emotions.
A study has found that different emotions affect the body in different ways yet these effects are the same across cultures. Love does make us warm inside – it is felt right down to the toes and happiness suffuses the whole body. Angry people are more aware of their head and arms – this could be because they are subconsciously preparing for a fight.
Being in love makes a person feel a warm glow everywhere apart from their knees, perhaps hinting that there may be something in the popular saying that the object of a person’s affection makes them ‘weak at the knees’.
Sadness leaves our limbs feeling weak and we are extra-aware of activity in our chest – and heart.
Depression also leaves us feeling weak, while disgust is felt in the throat and digestive system.
Basic emotions including anger and fear cause an increase in sensation in the upper chest area, which could be because we are subconsciously preparing for a fight.
Read more about: “Love does make us warm inside while disgust turns our stomach” >>
Knowing about the physical changes in your emotions is one of the most important steps in rebuilding your relationship.
When you’re trying to fix your relationship but your but you’re not feeling the warm glow of love, you will always end up fighting. It’s time to get some professional help.
You can change this today.
I can help you to:
- Grow your emotional skills – emotional skills are far more important than any functional skill in achieving a high level of peace and calm within oneself.
- Know your emotional style – your emotional style effects how you react in emotional situations.
- Understand your emotional brain – learn how your brain effects your personal emotions.