Marriage Counsellor Karen Gosling can quickly help you identify your partner’s primary love language and use it to meet his or her need for love.
I refer you to the book, The 5 Love Languages, by Dr. Gary Chapman where he writes, “The desire for romantic love in marriage is deeply rooted in our psychological makeup.“

The problem is, keeping love alive in our relationship is serious business. And many relationships fail because couples don’t know their partner’s primary love language. The trick to staving off separation and/or divorce lies in how effectively you and your spouse know and communicate each other’s need for love!
A counselling client recently did not use these strategies in her relationship to recruit her partner as her soulmate – leading to the breakdown of their marriage.
CASE STUDY – Can you identify your partner’s primary love language?
In this instance Brett was totally frustrated because his wife, Kathy, would not pick up the pictures he had left to have framed from the framers.
He had wanted these pictures to go up on the wall when his parents came to visit. His parents had come, they had had their holiday, and had gone again – and the pictures were still at the framers.
And so on this occasion at the counseling session, Brett said, “I asked you and I asked you.”
And Kathy said, “Well you could have picked them up yourself.”
Brett was an ‘acts of service’ man and he said, “I know I could have picked them up myself, but really I was testing you. I just wanted to see how long it would take you to do this one small thing that I asked.”
Kathy said, “Well, I thought about it often enough.” To which Brett replied, “Thinking about it doesn’t do it.”
Somewhat defensively, Kathy said,
Well I tried to more than once. On one occasion, I couldn’t park the car close to the framers and I knew they were too heavy to carry back to the car. And on another occasion, it was raining and I didn’t want to carry the pictures in the rain back to the car. Then there was another time when I actually parked quite close and I could have got them but the kids were in the back seat and they were screaming as they were hungry and tired, and I actually had to decide what my priority was – picking up your pictures or looking after the kids – I chose the kids.
And Brett said, “Precisely my point. It’s always something else or somebody else that’s got priority. It’s never me.”
That was the first time that Kathy actually took on board that Brett was an ‘acts husband’ and that she had not been able to identify her husband’s primary love language. Brett felt not loved because she had not picked up the pictures from the framers – an act of service. If she had known that, how easy it would have been to resolve that particular resentment.
Benefits Of Speaking Mike's Love Language
I have the benefit of practising my husband, Mike’s “Love Languages” for more than 40 years, and have an established a long-lasting loving relationship as a result.
By speaking Mike’s love language to him, he is motivated to meet my need for love, by speaking my love language.

But your relationship, like mine, will entail consistent effort and action perhaps before you feel like you’re getting much back (although with Love Languages, that’s unlikely!)
With that said … let me jump right in…
Learn 3 secrets to having a happy passionate marriage.
If you’d like to fix your failing marriage, then join my free 45-minute online webinar.
First of all, there’s no fluff or filler – just relationship-tested strategies that are working right now in my relationship with Mike – AND an explanation of how to identify your partners primary love language and why they work!
In the online training, you can discover and start SPEAKING your partner’s love language immediately afterwards. Because it will make so much sense!
You can also use the same system learned in the session to fix all kinds of relationships …with your parents, children, siblings, and workmates.
For example, I’ve also used the same system to get my two sons to understand their needs for love and to discover their partners’ also.
Here’s a fraction of what you’re getting…
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I built my enduring marriage with Mike using three simple tools including;
- resolving past hurts (his and mine),
- using effective communication, and
- learning to speak his love language (as he did for me!).
Use these tools to help you identify your partners primary love language.
You’re right …that is a lot of relationship-tested strategies and tactics. And it’s really just the tip of the iceberg.
This simple but effective method has been giving Mike and me a great relationship for over 40 years running, but other couples just don’t do it!
Want to know the best part? The counseling is …
Specifically Targeted For People Who Are In A “Disconnected Relationship”
You can do this.
Marriage Counselling helps you identify your partner’s primary love language and implement strategies in your relationship so that your partner starts feeling loved by you and you feel loved in return. This means that you’ve moved several steps forward on becoming reconnected and SAVING YOUR RELATIONSHIP.
Click the link below. I look forward to meeting you,